The initial Ideas
- Holograms
- 3D printing
- Video Mapping
- Videos
These are a few of the things i am interested in looking into during this project possibly, I no this is a big step for me as I have never done anything at this scale before. I no the masters course is suppose to push us and help us to explore new was of creating. However Im not too sure if I would be pushing myself to far in aiming to learn these new aspects in 4 months.
My first ideas was to create a 3D video mapped room of a digital forest, I had the vision of creating this in a dark room, where the forest was pretty dark and sunken into the room. The the plants around the forest and the animals are bright neon coloured. We as a generation do not take notice of our planet and take it all for granted, we do take advantage in every way of our planet and do not appreciate it. We only ever notice things that are colourful and in a digital format. Therefore I am to represent this in the project.
- My tutors stated that I did not have a focus and a point as to why I was wanting to do this installation. I feel it would be an affective installation and hopefully make people think about there actions, I understand that the idea is possibly not strong enough to keep a form throughout, If I could get a form and focus I could possibly focus on this idea in the forth coming future.