
As I have spent a-lot of time in the planning stages of the installation and trying to understand where I am at and what I am going to submit. I have ran out of time to fully research and create the video I wonted to create for this project. So I have spoken to Clive and he said that I could hand in what I plan to do, I do not have to actually make it. So what I decided to do was have a look around and see if I could make it in a way using something to show what I am trying to explain. I found a link called “The Ultimate Earth” and I is basically what I have been looking into and research for the past week.


I decided to purchase this plug in for After Effects and I watched the tuitions about how they created it and how you can alter the footage to create your own digital video. I spent time adding my own texts, locations and some warning alerts onto the video, in order to show what i wanted to create and what I aim for the video to look like. I feel this is the best way to show how I wont the installation video to look, therefore I can keep researching the locations I wont to include and what may happen there. I also need to fully decide how I would like the video to be installed in the installation.

Week 9

If you do not change

Room 1:

What is the aim: This room will show the Planet if nobody changes anything, it will be in the format of a video that is mapped around the room. The video will start of with black and white text around the room stating dates, times and facts about global warming.  DATE: 2036 :The video will then begin and it will Zoom into the artic, give some information about the water levels. Then zoom out and zoom in on another location again stating where the planet is at. Until it finally Zooms into the Humber Bridge and it will show the sea levels rising, video will end with the participants in the room as if stood in a ‘street’ as the water comes gushing down and the room will feel as if it is slowly filling with water. While the room will get colder and colder.


Video Outline.

Blank black screen

White text appears (Date from 2017 – 2036 )

Zoon in and out world map zoom

Sea levels riseing (Humber Bridge)

Sea gushing down streets

The room fills up with water…………. (dead sea, no animals)


Week 7

This week I had a review with James, and he stated that I need to focus my idea more and have a set goal and specific message I am aiming to get across in this installation. It left me with a lot of ideas and thoughts that I have worked on and come up with a finalised idea and plan.


The whole Installation 

Focus: Just change one thing. (Saving the planet from global warming ‘Water, Wind’)

An entrance room:

The entrance room will have interactive installations so people can feel part of the installation and see changes and how they will help. There will be musical turbines playing the Harry Potter theme tune. The theme tune is airy and is going to be used to create an emotion, the music is airy and feels as thought it travels in the wind. The unknown………

There will also be a wind turbine game that is created through the participants blowing into a fan that will spin and power a boat. Creating a boat race, across the river.

Installation: Two separate rooms;

Room 1:

This room will show the Planet if nobody changes anything, it will be in the format of a video that is mapped around the room. The video will start of with black and white text around the room stating dates, times and facts about global warming.  DATE: 2036 : The video will then begin and it will show ice caps melting in the artic, it will then move to a seaside town “Cleethorpes, Barton upon Humber” (via a globe move)  and it will show the sea levels rising, and demolishing the humber bridge, flowing down streets and the video will end with the participants in the room stood in a ‘street’ as the water comes gushing down and the room will feel as if it is slowly filling with water. While the room will get colder and colder.

Room 2:

This room will be the complete opposite of the room the participants have juts been in, it will start of with quotes as if people changed one thing in 2017. it is now 2036, we are in a field full of turbines, beautiful sunny day, the seaside towns are thriving. But there are recycling boxes all over the towns. The Sea is clean, under water footage of the sea life thriving. Artic full of ice caps, Ending in a field peaceful. End with the Message just one change, its down to you.

The end of the installation will be a machine that shows an ice cap floating on the sea, the ice cap will start to melt. As the ice starts to melt a message will appear above the QR code scanner. “Start your first change” The participant will scan the QR code and the water will drip back up to the ice cap and re-freeze. The participant will be taken to a message stating

“thank you for helping to save the planet in your first step, it is now down to you, Spread the word. Thank you “

Who is this installation aimed at? The installation is aimed at everyone as this is a problem that is going to affect everyone on this planet. Weather we like to think about that or not we all need to take the blame and make the changes. I feel that possibly people in the age range of 21 – 50 maybe more subjective to this as they are in that range where they either live with children/ teenagers who could all do with being educated on the harm being caused to the planet and that changes need to be made. But also the young adults that maybe going to university, getting there own home or starting there own families. Hitting the next generation when they are starting there adult lives before they fully get into habit would be best hit. As once you start a habit its hard to change.


I feel like an interactive section is needed in this installation. 1 to show people the effects of there input into the renewable energy lifestyle, compared to if they do nothing nothing will change or happen.


So I this week I have mainly been looking at installations and ideas of interactive ideas I could create for the installation. I haven’t decided fully yet on the interactive stage for this installation how ever a few ideas I have found and have come up with are…….



This was installed in an installation about green energy where the public had to walk through a huge door way made out of paper turbines that could be spun by the public but also an air flow was pushed through the poles causes one to spin every now and again.


I thought about using the wind patterns in order to create an interactive section that follows the bodies movements.


This is in an installation where the turbines are powered by fans in the room and they are attached to music boxes that create a note each time the turbine spins.


This installation was one I have also been looking at, where possibly the wind power is controlled by the public creating the sheet to move (or is could be a digitalised installation section)


The other ideas I have had is an interactive game that will be a competitive game between two / four members of the public. The game would be blowing the created wind turbines in order to turn a light bulb on at the top if the turbine. This is to show the power of the wind, and how power can be created by something as simple as air.


Here is an installation that was based in Denmark, the aim is to represent that they will be the number 1 leading environmentally friendly transport leader. The installation started of with a very interactive feature where the viewers have to place there card, on the electronic device which shows them they have 0% power on there card. They then have to blow into the turbine to create the power on there card which will allow them to watch the videos in the installation.



– Physical interactive stage will help to connect the public to the installation better than a digital video mapping section. (Turbine game/ Bike paint)

– A video mapped room, may help create an emotional connection (feeling cold, seeing a damaged world/ seeing a green turbine world)

– Geosphere having an interactive globe connecting digital but creating a game where the person is the wind, has to save the planet from “death” turn the planet blue and stop it turning red. Time limit- keep the turbines spinning.