I feel like an interactive section is needed in this installation. 1 to show people the effects of there input into the renewable energy lifestyle, compared to if they do nothing nothing will change or happen.


So I this week I have mainly been looking at installations and ideas of interactive ideas I could create for the installation. I haven’t decided fully yet on the interactive stage for this installation how ever a few ideas I have found and have come up with are…….



This was installed in an installation about green energy where the public had to walk through a huge door way made out of paper turbines that could be spun by the public but also an air flow was pushed through the poles causes one to spin every now and again.


I thought about using the wind patterns in order to create an interactive section that follows the bodies movements.


This is in an installation where the turbines are powered by fans in the room and they are attached to music boxes that create a note each time the turbine spins.


This installation was one I have also been looking at, where possibly the wind power is controlled by the public creating the sheet to move (or is could be a digitalised installation section)


The other ideas I have had is an interactive game that will be a competitive game between two / four members of the public. The game would be blowing the created wind turbines in order to turn a light bulb on at the top if the turbine. This is to show the power of the wind, and how power can be created by something as simple as air.


Here is an installation that was based in Denmark, the aim is to represent that they will be the number 1 leading environmentally friendly transport leader. The installation started of with a very interactive feature where the viewers have to place there card, on the electronic device which shows them they have 0% power on there card. They then have to blow into the turbine to create the power on there card which will allow them to watch the videos in the installation.



– Physical interactive stage will help to connect the public to the installation better than a digital video mapping section. (Turbine game/ Bike paint)

– A video mapped room, may help create an emotional connection (feeling cold, seeing a damaged world/ seeing a green turbine world)

– Geosphere having an interactive globe connecting digital but creating a game where the person is the wind, has to save the planet from “death” turn the planet blue and stop it turning red. Time limit- keep the turbines spinning.

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