Clive mentioned I should look into man made structures and look at what people are actually doing to try and change for the warnings they are receiving . So I had a look at what people where building or where being invented so I could get some inspiration of the interactive stages of the installation.
Man made leaves that create light and water into oxygen.
these websites and videos all include new ways of creating a green energy world, I have watched the videos and read the webpages and in turn has given me ideas of how I could show the green energy and power it actually has. This I feel will work best through a interactive wind blowing game, where the participants will produce the light through blowing a small turbine. showing how something so small can work so imaging the huge power fo the turbines.
Projectors are one of the most important aspects of this installation, I do not know much about projectors so have spent some time looking into types of projectors and how they work. I have also gathered a couple of ideas for the layout of the overall installation.
A virtual reality styled room showing the global warming video.
2) A physical installation including television screens of the video, then full of interactive installations as well.
3) Hologram earth that has a interactive format game. ( Clive showed myself and Shane Geosphere today which was a group, that created a world hologram.)
After things and looking into all of these ideas and aspects I feel that showing the video on a TV screen, or projected onto walls I feel is the out come of this project 1.
I decided to look into wind patterns, as these are strong forces that wrap around the whole world carving the heat, cold and storms around the world. Each affecting global warming, I have been looking at the wind patterns and how they flow and I was thinking about possibly having neon wind style patterns flowing around the floor, ceiling or walls of the installation.
I found a website called, which lets you see the wind patterns around the earth. You can zoom into certain locations change the style of patterns to just temperature colours, to wind and to water. The wind patterns could be created on After Effects and video projected on the the surface.
I have been looking into images and media clips that will inspire me in the way of how I could create an installation that will make people feel something. I couldn’t find much in the way of video footage, however I eventually found a couple of documentaries that relate to global warming. The documentaries also gave me some knowledge on how people are starting to change there lives to deal with the future prospect.
These documentaries gave me the idea to create a affective installation I may be best of combining wind and global warming as a focal point of the idea. Rather than focusing solely on Wind it may be beneficial to focus on Global warming and highlight each section .
Looking at these clips, images and a couple of installations I found, they made me think about interactive stages in installations. If I wont my viewers to really connect with the idea maybe I need to include something physical that they can use and feel part of the insulation.
Orphic Wind Van – Video
This installation I really like, I love the idea of combining turbines that are at a smaller size rather than life size. Giving the installation a feel of human power over the turbines. This is a great interactive installation idea as the viewers could cause the wind to power the turbines and the music would be there aim. I like this installation idea and will be keeping it in mind when I think of interactive ideas.
Denmark is Riding the Winds of Change
Denmark is ever rising to be the greenest nation, it has worked hard and sacrificed a lot already to become this way. I love how the children in Denmark are involved and shown this way of life from a young age. Teaching of green energy is key in Denmark and I think by looking at this documentary and researching gDenmark children grown up with a better knowledge of the effects the planet than most children. Showing that they are happier in life may be a key skill to making people understand the installation making them think there life will be better is they are greener.
Musical Laser Forests
I love this installation!, the effect of the lasers and the music being created by the public and the look of amazement in there faces when they look up and see what they are creating. This is a creative and interactive installation piece and I would love to one day create something like this however I feel I will not be able to do something as big as this for this project or in my degree however I have included it in my blog as it is something that has affected my view on this project.
Clean Energy: New Japanese turbines
I started to look into new energy and how, people are producing new and up-to date ideas of how green energy can be produced. I decided to look into this research to see how the planet is trying to change as this is also a part of the installation that would be important state how we are trying to move forward but things are not actually being put in place all around the world.
After looking at all of these as inspirations I have decided to focus on the possible creation of interactive installations. musical turbines, blowing games and videos. That will all been the final installation, however the focus for this project will be the video.
After speaking with Clive last week I sent the week researching on wind power, global warming and watching Blue Planet. The world is changing constantly through human and natural effects. However we are at a critical point where global warming is growing ever closer and becoming more a problem than most have expected. It is also a matter where people do not believe it will happen, or it will not happen at the great effect that we are being told. Again relating to my original project and how digital technology is the main focus of our lives it also seems to be the only thing we listen to. A lot of people take notice of short factual documentaries rather than news reports. A lot of people watch Blue planet and are faceted by the nature and what they are told however would not mornay go out and research that subject area them selves.
Therefore I am thinking that some sort of TV screen/ projected factual, digital documentary may be the way forward along with some interactive installations.