Week 5

This week we also got put into groups with a tutor, I got put into a group with Clive and Shane was the other student in the group. We are both looking at video mapping/ projection. During this session  I spoke with Clive about my idea of the digital forest and that I was unsure as to what I really wonted to tell the audience. I told him my ideas and why I wonted to focus on the digital world as I thought humans where not focus on the world its self. The Clive came ups with the idea of  Globalisation. We started to talk about Wind power.

After this session I started to look into wind power as a main focal point and how we are generating new ideas to power the world. This is similar to my idea of the digital forest as it is all to do with how we humans perceive and look after the world. I am in turn looking at the world as a whole and how we live on it rather than how we seem to be perceiving it. This is an important matter and everyone needs to start living up to the reality that global warming is going to happen.



Week 4

This week I spent a-lot of time thinking how I could possibly create this as I do not really know anything about these mass project projects.

We have become a digital world, seeing only in digital. We use apps everyday all day like snap chat in order to create a digital image of our selves. However I wont to take it a step further and show how we are heading to a digital view of the world.We no longer seem to live in the world we almost view it as if it is a game. People prefers to be seen as there digital profile rather than in person, we no long talk we text and phone.

This is something I am interested in how we perceive the world.



Week 3

The initial Ideas

  • Holograms
  • 3D printing
  • Video Mapping
  • Videos

These are a few of the things i am interested in looking into during this project possibly, I no this is a big step for me as I have never done anything at this scale before. I no the masters course is suppose to push us and help us to explore new was of creating. However Im not too sure if I would be pushing myself to far in aiming to learn these new aspects in 4 months.



My first ideas was to create a 3D video mapped room of a digital forest, I had the vision of creating this in a dark room, where the forest was pretty dark and sunken into the room. The the plants around the forest and the animals are bright neon coloured. We as a generation do not take notice of our planet and take it all for granted, we do take advantage in every way of our planet and do not appreciate it. We only ever notice things that are colourful and in a digital format. Therefore I am to represent this in the project.

  • My tutors stated that I did not have a focus and a point as to why I was wanting to do this installation. I feel it would be an affective installation and hopefully make people think about there actions, I understand that the idea is possibly not strong enough to keep a form throughout, If I could get a form and focus I could possibly focus on this idea in the forth coming future.

Week 2

This week was our first class and we all met with the other students who are taking the course part time. The tutors went through the assignment brief and then told us to work in pairs and discuss any ideas we had come up with or anything we thought we might like to focus our project on. I was paired with Stuart, he is very interested in computers, reading and reading apps. His idea sounds really good  and planned out he knows exactly what he wants to do and how he will go about it. I feel like I am no way near as prepared as he is for the project, however I told him my ideas and he mentions for me to have a look at video mapping on a live object live rendering it.


1st week in Digital Media

During the week I had thought about creating an installation based on digital technology, as this is what we have become obsessed with in the world. When I think of digital I think of colours, and connected with the how we see our selves. In the 21st century we tend to use technology all the time and set up digital representations of ourselves through social media. I thought a great idea could be to create a digital forest which would represent how we see the world through the eyes of a digital user.